Z4 Officers 2023-2024

Jim Morefield, Chair

Email: jmorefield/pacswim/org
Tel: (775) 782-4360

Sharon Weiss, Vice Chair

Email: sharonaw/sbcglobal/net
Tel: (775) 786-2333

Julie Hardt, Secretary

Email: jhardt/gmail/com

Jerry Rudd, Treasurer

Email: jrudd/pacswim/org
Tel: (530) 613-7547
Jerry Rudd
Zone 4 Treasurer
P.O. Box 9698
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158-2698

Valerie Rudd, Officials Co-chair

Email: vrudd/pacswim/org
Tel: (530) 577-7547

Roger Pflieger, Officials Co-chair

Email: rogerpflieger96/yahoo/com

Teri Galvin, Sanctions

Email: terigalvin1/gmail/com

Jo Ann Porter, Safety

Email: joannporter/charter/net

Bella Pflieger, Athlete Representative (RENO; Zone-4 BOD; Zone-4 Rep to Pacific Swimming BOD)

Email: z4AthleteRep/pacswim/org

Millie Grieve, Athlete Representative (LAKE; Zone-4 BOD)

Email: contact Zone Chair (see above)

Todd Gosselin, Athlete Representative (CARS; Zone-4 BOD)

Email: contact Zone Chair (see above)

Gracie Goss, Athlete Representative (DDST; Zone-4 BOD)

Email: contact Zone Chair (see above)

Kalia Ream, Athlete Representative (RENO; Zone-4 BOD Alternate)

Email: contact Zone Chair (see above)

Ryan Motta, Athlete Representative (LAKE; Zone-4 BOD Alternate)

Email: contact Zone Chair (see above)

Hadley Peck, Athlete Representative (DDST; Zone-4 BOD Alternate)

Email: contact Zone Chair (see above)

Jake Cruz, Athlete Representative (NNA; Zone-4 BOD Alternate)

Email: contact Zone Chair (see above)

Pulin Muangsiri, Athlete Representative (NNA; Zone-4 BOD Alternate)

Email: contact Zone Chair (see above)


Board of Directors: Jim Morefield, Erik Scalise, Kelly Schott, Bella Pflieger, Gracie Goss, see above

Age Group Committee: Mark Faherty, fahertyswim/gmail/com

Athlete Committee: Jake Cruz, Gracie Goss, Todd Gosselin, Millie Grieve, Ryan Motta, Pulin Muangsiri, Hadley Peck, Isabella Pflieger, Kalia Ream

Disability, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee: Valerie Rudd, see above

Finance & Investment Committees: Jerry Rudd, see above

Governance Committee: Jim Morefield, see above

Open Water Committee: Erik Scalise, northernnevadaaquatics/yahoo/com

Personnel Committee: Jim Morefield, see above

Safe Sport: Veronica Harmon, vsharmon/sbcglobal/net

Scheduling Committee: Jo Ann Porter, joannporter/charter/net

Senior Committee: Kat Matheson, coachkat116/outlook/com