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September 4, 2014 - PC Swimmers Named to USA-S Scholastic All-American Team

Congratulations to the following members of Pacific Swimming who have been named to USA Swimming's 2013-14 Scholastic All-American team. Across the United States a total of 1,782 applicants were selected for this honor. Amongst the LSCs within USA-S, Pacific had the second most swimmers named to the team with 99. Within PC, Palo Alto Stanford Aquatics (PASA) had the most swimmers make the team with 20.
To be eligibe, swimmers must have achieved a minimum 3.5 GPA for the academic year and must meet a minimum qualifying time standard.
For a complete list of swimmers who were named to the 2013-14 team, click HERE.
Below are the PC swimmers named to the 2013-14 team:
Kevin Aisawa (SCSC) | Michael Grenon (TERA) | Mckenna Meyer (RENO) |
Joao Ama (PASA) | Alexandra Grimes (PASA) | Christopher Miller (LAKE) |
Natalie Amberg (CROW) | Corey Gutierrez (PASA) | Shaelin Morefield (DDST) |
Theo Andrews (NBA) | Albert Gwo (PASA) | Cyrus Morrison (PASA) |
Mary Ashby (OAPB) | Sean Haechler (MP) | Curtis Ogren (PASA) |
Jeremy Babinet (PASA) | Malorie Han (TERA) | Gabriel Ostler (OAPB) |
Gabrielle Bethke (PASA) | Anatasia Henderson (CROW) | Zachary Ottati (WCAB) |
Nicholas Bigot (NBA) | Benjamin Ho (PEAK) | Kaya Philapil (WCAB) |
Gabriel Bolender (CAB) | Kayla Holman (UN) | Carl Poppe (WCAB) |
Catherine Boles (AIA) | Fiona Hon (PASA) | Amanda Rios (QSS) |
Maxwell Bottene (TERA) | Daniel Hooks (CROW) | Maxime Rooney (PLS) |
Katelin Britton (RA) | Matthew Horner (WCAB) | Madeleine Salesky (MP) |
Evan Brock (TERA) | Taylor Hosmer (TIGR) | Marie-Claire Schillinger (WCAB) |
Cooper Burrill (SCSC) | Ally Howe (PASA) | Melissa Schoell (TERA) |
Jennifer Campbell (PASA) | Talbot Jacobs (OAPB) | Kristin Schumann (CROW) |
Megan Campbell (MP) | Sarah Jin (DACA) | Riley Scott (MP) |
Ivy Chen (DACA) | Heidi Katter (PASA) | Keven Shang (DACA) |
Christina Chong (PLS) | Lisa Kaunitz (PASA) | Anthony Shen (PLS) |
Eva Chung (PLS) | Calvin Kirkpatrick (WCAB) | Nicholas SIlverthorn (PLS) |
Samantha Coloma (TERA) | Joe Kmak (PASA) | Jake Simpson (OAPB) |
Megan Crook (EBA) | Shelby Koontz (DDST) | Ryane Skinner (PLS) |
Mikaela Dahlke (NBA) | Catherine Ladd (SCSC) | Rachel Smith (CROW) |
Marie-Pierre Delisle (PASA) | Alan Lam (TERA) | Sandra Soe (SCSC) |
Natalie Doan (WCAB) | Aileen Lee (WCAB) | Claire Therien (OAPB) |
Aislinn Dresel (MP) | Justin Lee (CROW) | Mason Tittle (WCAB) |
Ryan Drovr (PASA) | Matthew Lee (EBA) | Emily To'o (BSW) |
Elizabeth Duncan (NBA) | Matthew Lennon (OAPB) | Jeffrey Tung (LAKE) |
Mia Facey (NVST) | Serena Lightstone (EBA) | Brittany Usinger (WCAB) |
David Farr (SCSC) | Angela Ling (TIGR) | Eric Vanbrocklin (WCAB) |
Alys Fromson-Ho (TERA) | Matthew Lujan (SCSC) | Winston Wang (PASA) |
Trevor Fung (EBA) | Aaron Lutzker (WCAB) | Emily Ward (OAPB) |
Gianna Garcia (WCAB) | Daichi Matsuda (PASA) | Grant Watson (WCAB) |
Leah GOldman (PASA) | Lily Maxfield (SRN) | Jayna Wittenbrink (PASA) |
Nanette Wu (SCSC) |