Club Grants

The Board of Directors and the Investment Committee
The 2025 Pacific Swimming Grant Program

To further support the critical areas of our LSC, Pacific Swimming is offering a structured Grant Program to support facilities and the meet hosting process, the development of the athlete, and the professional growth of the coach.



Grant Overview

Pacific Swimming will fund any one of the following three types of grants, but a club may seek one and only one type of grant for this year with the following exception. A multisite club with two or more sites with 150+ athletes per site may submit two grant proposals. The Grants, with examples, will be as follows:

The total Grant amount will be approximately $50,000 and will be offered to all year-round clubs in good standing up to a maximum of $3,000 per grant. Grants will be evaluated by the Pacific Swimming Investment Committee (the committee). Awarded amounts may be less than requested based on the number of grant requests received and the worthiness of each grant as determined by the committee. The grant application is accessible separately from the Pacific Swimming website home page (here). The application is not designed to be cumbersome and is intended to help clubs grow and develop.

Specific Areas of Importance in Evaluating Applications

We are simplifying the evaluation process for the 2025 grant program. To that end, rather than specifying a list of areas important to the committee to be used in evaluating grant requests we only require that a club be in good standing with Pacific Swimming.

The application, available via Google form on the Pacific Swimming website, with supporting documentation, will be accepted from December 15, 2024, through February 28, 2025.

NOTE: Once approved, Pacific Swimming will fund the grant. For items purchased prior to grant funding receipts are required to be submitted within 15 days of funding. Items or services purchased after funding will need to be completed and receipts submitted no later than August 15, 2025. We ask that applications be thorough and accurate, and supporting documentation be provided when requested. We also ask that total and complete integrity be used. Any application with intentionally inaccurate information will invalidate the club’s future eligibility. Multisite clubs will be considered as one club for eligibility with the single exception specified above in the Grant Overview section.

For General Questions you may email or you can reach out to anyone of the list below for more specific questions or additional information.

For General Questions:

Mike Piccardo Investment Committee Chair 
Debbi Tucker Finance Vice-Chair
Kyler Van Swol Vice Chair, Program Operations
Cindy Rowland Pacific Swimming Staff
Lehla Irwin General Chair

Apply by clicking link:

2025 Grant Application  

To access the flyer:

2025 Grant Information