
  • 1. How is Pacific Swimming organized?

    Pacific Swimming (PC) is one of 59 administrative subdivisions of USA Swimming, the national governing body for competitive swimming in the US. These administrative subdivisions are known as Local Swimming Committees, or LSCs.

    Pacific's territory includes the greater San Francisco Bay Area, the coastal counties of California from Monterey County north to the Oregon border, the Stockton-Modesto area in the state's Central Valley, and the Reno-Lake Tahoe area on the California-Nevada border. This territory is divided into five zones, whose specific boundaries are described on the Zones page.

    PC is made up of more than 13,000 registered athlete members and more than 100 member clubs. Each member club is required to have at least one individual who is a coach member of USA Swimming and who has completed CPR, first aid, CANRA Training, and Coaches Safety Training. In addition, coaches, officials, and other non-athlete members of Pacific and USA Swimming are required to complete a background check and athlete protection training. Except for those undergoing initial tryouts with a team, all athletes participating in sanctioned activities (including club practices and workouts, competitions and meets, etc.) must be currently registered athlete members in good standing with Pacific Swimming and USA Swimming.

    Pacific Swimming is governed by a House of Delegates, which includes representation from all of Pacific's club members and which meets twice a year, and by a Board of Directors which meets bi-monthly.

  • 2. How are Pacific Swimming's Age Group time standards organized?

    Pacific Swimming has established Age Group Time Standards for the following age groups: 8 & Under, 10 & Under, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, and 17-18 for individual events, and 15-18 for relays. The time standards are described below roughly from slowest to fastest.

    • C/B/A+: Age Group swimming is where virtually all swimmers begin, and the B and A standards are the basic developmental and meet entry time standards used in Pacific's Age Group program. B is the entry level standard (a C time is any time slower than the B time standard), and an A time is everyone's first big goal. (Note: Pacific's B and A time standards are not the same as the B and A National Age Group motivational time standards which are published by USA Swimming. The abbreviations PC-B and PC-A are used for Pacific's B and A standards.)
    • Age Group Championships: The Age Group Championship, or AGC, meet standard is the qualifying time standard set by PC for the Age Group Championship meets that are offered by Pacific Swimming in March, July, and December. (There are no separate AGC times for 8/unders -- they must qualify for AGC meets at the 10/under standard.)
    • Far Westerns: The Far Western meet standard, also known as the Q time standard, is the qualifying time standard set by Pacific Swimming for the two Far Western Championship meets that Pacific hosts each year in early April and late July. (Again, there are no separate Far Western meet standards for 8 & Unders -- they must qualify for these meets at the 10 & Under standard.) The Far Western meet standard is currently the fastest age group time standard in Pacific used for meet entry purposes.

  • 3. How are Pacific Swimming's Senior time standards organized?

    Pacific Swimming's Senior program is designed to provide Pacific Swimming's older and faster athletes with the opportunity to swim the events offered at national championship meets. Senior time standards, and Senior competition, are not keyed to a swimmer's age - for qualifying purposes, what matters are only the times the swimmer has achieved. Pacific Swimming's and USA Swimming's Senior time standard categories are listed below slowest to fastest:

    • Senior Open: The entry-level standard. To relate this standard to Pacific's Age Group standards, Senior Open times are generally comparable to the 13-14 PC-A time standards. Any swimmer 13 years of age and older is eligible to compete in a Senior Open competition without meeting Senior Open standards.
    • Senior 2 (SR-II) & Senior Circuit: Each level moves up a notch in terms of difficulty. As a point of reference, the Senior Circuit standards - the fastest of Pacific's Senior time standards - roughly approximate the Far Western meet standard for the 13-14 and 15-16 girls and the 15-16 boys age groups.

    For Senior 2 competition, swimmers 13 & Over are eligible to compete if their best time is at or near the Senior 2 standard.

    For Senior Circuit competitions, all swimmers must have met the listed time standards to compete.

    • Sectional Championships: The qualifying standard established for the Sectional Championships, which are open to qualifying swimmers from all LSCs in California and Nevada. Sectional Championships are generally held in March, July and December.
    • Pro Swim Series: The qualifying standard established by USA Swimming for the four Pro Swim meets held throughout the US annually.
    • Junior National Championships: The qualifying standard established by USA Swimming for this national competition for swimmers 18 & Under. This meet is held in August and December.
    • National Championships: The qualifying standard established by USA Swimming for this national competition generally held in August and December.
    • Olympic Trials: The qualiying standard established by USA Swimming for the quadrennial US Olympic Trials.

  • 4. How is Pacific Swimming's meet schedule prepared?

    Swim meets in Pacific Swimming are scheduled annually, with both the LSC and the individual zones going through a structured process of determining its meet calendar. Each fall, Pacific's Scheduling Committee, which includes representatives from the zones and the senior and age-group programs, prepares a draft schedule of the major meets within the LSC for the upcoming year. This schedule includes Pacific's Senior meets and major Age Group meets (i.e. Age Group Championships and Far Westerns). The schedule takes into account the dates of important regional and national championship meets as well as holiday weekends. This draft schedule is then approved by the Board of Directors in January.

    Each February, through a formal bidding process, clubs that are interested in hosting any of Pacific's major meets for the next season, are required to submit a bid application for the competitions they are interested in hosting. In late February, the bids that have come in are reviewed and meet hosts are awarded by the Scheduling Committee. After completion of the first round of bidding, a second round is conducted for any unbid meets. After the closing of the second round, the host for Pacific's major meets for the following year are set and published. Any remaining open meets will remain available to be picked up by interested host teams.

    Once the major meet schedule is created, each zone goes through a similar bidding process. By May, a full meet schedule for the upcoming swim season is set and it is then published on the PC website.

  • 5. What is the difference between short course and long course?

    A short course pool is 25 yards (or, occasionally, 25 meters) long; a long course pool is 50 meters long. The majority of swimming competition in the US is conducted in short course yards. Most US national and major international championships - such as World Championships and the swimming competition at the Olympic Games - are held in long course pools, although short course meters competition is becoming increasingly popular on the international scene.

    The annual swimming calendar in the US is divided into two seasons. From September to March, virtually all competition is short course, while April through August is long course season.

    Pacific's Rules and Regulations specify that when you have achieved a specific class level in an event in one course, you are considered qualified at the same level in all courses.  Accordingly, you must always enter a time which maintains the class for which you've qualified in an event. Follow this link for more information on short course times and long course times.

  • 6. What's the difference between a timed finals and trials & finals meets?

    • Timed Finals: In a meet of this type only heats are swum, and the final placing is determined by the times achieved in all of the event's heats.
    • Trials & Finals: In these types of meets, trials are swum in the morning, with the fastest times in the event qualifying for the finals of the same event later in the day. The times swum during the finals determine the placing of the event.

  • 7. What's an LSC?

    An LSC (Local Swimming Committee) is an administrative division of USA Swimming with responsibility for administering the sport of competitive swimming within a defined territory. Pacific Swimming is one of 59 LSCs nationwide. There are five LSCs with some or all of their territory in California:

    • Pacific Swimming (which includes the San Francisco Bay Area, the coastal counties of California from Monterey County north to the Oregon border, the Stockton-Modesto area in California's Central Valley, and the Reno-Carson City-Lake Tahoe area on the California-Nevada border).
    • Sierra Nevada Swimming (which includes the Sacramento area, the Central Valley from Lodi north to the Oregon border, the northern Sierra Nevada area, and much of Northern Nevada).
    • Central California Swimming (which includes the Central Valley south of Modesto through Kern County).
    • Southern California Swimming (which includes the central coast from San Luis Obispo County south; most of Southern California, including the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area; and Southern Nevada, including the Las Vegas area).
    • San Diego-Imperial Swimming (which includes San Diego and Imperial counties in Southern California).

  • 8. What's a zone?

    1. Pacific Swimming is divided into five geographical zones, whose territories are described in detail on our Zone page. Each zone sets their own meet schedules and conducts their own championships, all of which are sanctioned by PC. While swimmers may normally enter meets in any zone without restriction, zones may offer meets which are exclusively for swimmers affiliated with teams from their zone (such as zone championship meets), and may also choose to give preference in entries into zone meets to swimmers affiliated with teams from the zone.
    2. Within USA Swimming, the 59 LSCs are divided into four zones: Eastern, Southern, Central, and Western (see map). Pacific is in the Western Zone, along with 16 other LSCs including Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and the states to the west of those four.

  • 9. Where can I find a record of all the times I've swum?

    The USA Swimming's Individual Times Search page can provide you with an in depth answer to this question.

  • 10. How do I become an athlete of Pacific Swimming?

    Pacific Swimming offers a variety of membership options.

    Before every meet, the registration status of all entered swimmers is verified with Pacific's Registration Chairman. If your registration cannot be verified, you will not be allowed to swim in that meet.  

    For more information on registering, please visit our Membership & Registration Page

    If you have any questions regarding registration, contact Pacific's Office Membership via email or call (925) 822-7913.

  • 11. What is an Outreach Athlete?

    Pacific Swimming participates in the USA Swimming Outreach Program and offers registration at the USA Swimming registration fee of $7.00 with no additional fees to Pacific Swimming. Valid September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025.
    The registration fee will reduce to $5.00 in the 2025-26 season.

    (Click here to review financial assistance qualifications for Outreach Membership)

    If you meet the qualifications, please contact your team to apply for an Outreach membership.


  • 12. If I'm an athlete member of Pacific, how do I transfer my club affiliation?

    Swimmers may transfer club affiliation by completing a transfer form or by providing the Registration Chairman with the swimmer's name, address, birth date, the name of the club from which the swimmer is transferring, and the date of last competition with that club. All transfer forms should be sent to Laurie Benton at 1374 Lupine Court, Concord, CA 94521 or emailed to laurie@pacswim.org.

    If you transfer clubs and wish to enter a meet, and if you have represented a previous club in competition within 60 days of the meet, you must enter your affiliation as "unattached" for that meet. Once the 60 day unattached period is complete, you may now enter meets attached to your new club.

  • 13. If I'm also swimming for my high school team, is there anything I need to do during season?

    The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), the governing body for high school athletics in California, requires that California high school swimmers must compete unattached in any USA Swimming meets held during the high school season.

    For Pacific registration purposes, swimmers swimming in high school competition do not need to change their registration status with the PC Registrar; however, they must enter any USA-S competiton as "unattached" during the high school season. If a swimmer enters a meet as attached to their club during the high school season, s/he must change his or her affiliation to unattached with the clerk of the course at the meet.

    If you plan to change your club affiliation during this period, you can use the high school season as a part of your 120-day unattached period.

  • 14. What should I do if I'm planning to compete outside of the US? What should our club do if foreign athletes are going to train with us or enter our meet?

    If you're planning to travel to another country to compete, train, or demonstrate, or if you plan to invite foreign swimmers or clubs to train/compete in PC sanctioned meets, contact Pacific Swimming Registrar via email or phone at (925) 822-7913.

  • 15. How do I become a non-athlete member of Pacific Swimming?

    To become a Non-Coach/Non-Athlete member of Pacific Swimming, please follow the directions on the Membership & Registration Page to attach yourself to your club. If you are registering Unattached, please contact Laurie Benton, laurie@pacswim.org or call (925) 822-7913. 

    Deck officials, and meet directors must be non-athlete members of USA Swimming and Pacific Swimming.

    In addition, all non-athlete members must complete a USA Swimming background check and an Athlete Protection Training course in order to join/renew membership. Coaches must also have current certifications in CPR, first aid, concussion protocol training, CANRA training, and in-water safety training courses.

  • 16. How does a club join Pacific Swimming?

    There is no paper form to fill out to renew, each club must renew online through their SWIMS 3.0 portal. The requirements are different now as well, as all members of the organization’s “staff” including all your Coaches/Board of Directors/Administrators (as defined in your club portal) MUST be current members in good standing. 

    To register a club, please follow the directions on the Membership & Registration Page. Any questions, contact Laurie Benton, or call (925) 822-7913.

    In addition to setting up your club membership with our registrar, you will need a coach who is a member of USA Swimming and holds valid CPR, first aid, concussion protocol training, CANRA training, and safety training certifications, and you will need registered swimmers. Every coach (paid or volunteer) who is on the deck at a club workout or coaching at a meet must be a current coach member of USA Swimming.

    Your club must renew its membership each calendar year, and as part of the renewal process, your coaches must submit proof of current CPR, first aid, concussion protocol training, CANRA training, and safety training certifications. Clubs may join as year-round or seasonal.

  • 17. What kind of insurance coverage do I have as a member of Pacific and USA Swimming?

    For general questions about your insurance coverage as an athlete, non-athlete, or club member of USA Swimming, we suggest you refer to the resources listed on the USA Swimming Insurance page.

    For more specific information concerning coverage and the processing of claims, contact  riskmanagement@usaswimming.org

  • 18. How do I enter a meet in Pacific Swimming?

    All of Pacific Swimming's meets will be listed on the Meets Page. When a meet has been sanctioned or approved, the links for both the Meet Sheet and for Online Entries will appear below the meet. The Meet Sheet will give you all the pertinent information about the meet including location, parking, event order, etc. The Online Entries link will take you to the company that is handling the online signups.

  • 19. How do I check-in at a swim meet in Pacific Swimming?

    Most meets in Pacific are deck-seeded. In this type of meet, you must check-in with the clerk of the course 60 minutes before an event is expected to start if you wish to swim in that event. If you do not check-in for an event, or if you indicate when you check-in that you want to scratch the event, you will not be seeded into the event.

    Check-in for all events shall be no more than 60 minutes before the estimated time of the start of the first heat of the event. However, no event shall be closed more than 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the meet or as specified in the meet sheet.

  • 20. How do I use short course times to enter a long course meet (and vice versa) in Pacific?

    Pacific Swimming's Rules & Regulations do not require time conversions when using a time achieved in one course to enter a meet in another. When you have achieved a specific class level (for example PC-B or PC-A) in an event in one course, you are considered to be qualified at that same level in all courses. Accordingly, you must always enter a time which maintains the class for which you've qualified in an event.

    For example, if you've achieved an A time in an event at a short course meet, you must enter at least a minimum long course A time when you enter this event in a long course meet. 

  • 21. What is the difference between a sanctioned, approved and an observed meet?

    • Sanctioned Meets: All participants (including the meet director, athletes, coaches, officials, & clubs) must be members of USA-S, and the meet must be conducted under USA-S technical and administrative rules. All times achieved in a sanctioned meet will be recognized by USA Swimming for inclusion in the SWIMS times database.
    • Approved Meets: An athlete is not required to be a member of USA Swimming to participate in the meet; however, the meet is conducted under USA-S technical rules. Upon approval of the meet, all times will be recognized by USA Swimming, and the times for USA Swimming members are eligible for inclusion in the SWIMS database.
    • Observed Meets: There are no requirements for USA Swimming athlete membership, and the meet is conducted under technical rules other than those of USA Swimming (for example, high school, college, YMCA, or Masters rules). A request for observation of swims for compliance with USA Swimming rules must be made to the host LSC who determines if observation can be facilitated. Times from observed swims in compliance with USA Swimming technical rules are recognized, and times for USA Swimming members are eligible for inclusion in the SWIMS database.

  • 22. How do I update my coaching credentials?

    While some required programs (APT, Background Check, etc.) are automatically updated through USA Swimming, other requirements must be hand-entered into your SWIMS record. Please email any CPR and STSC certificates to Laurie Benton for input into your record.

  • 23. When do athletes need to take the Athlete Protection Training course?

    All 18+ years old athletes of USA Swimming are required to complete the Athlete Protection Training by finding the required course in your USA Swimming Account under the Education tab and must be renewed annually. These courses are located in Education - Course Catalog - All Courses. New members will be required to have their membership application form and payment processed by USA Swimming before they can sign in to complete the course.

    This certification is required for all new and existing members. If you have registered with USA Swimming for the first time and you are 18 or over, this is the course you need to take.

    For athletes, you can take the training 60 days before your 18th birthday. You must complete the SafeSport™ Trained Core course by the time you turn 18. 

    Once you have completed your courses, your membership record will update within 24 hours with a new APT expiration date.

    Your APT will expire 12 months after you complete the course.