The official source for historical times data for individual swimmers is USA Swimming's SWIMS database. Results from all meets - i.e. all sanctioned, approved, and observed competitions - recognized by USA-S are uploaded into this database. It is this database where all entry times for sanctioned meets are verified.
To access your times listed in SWIMS, there are a few options:
- Create a Deck Pass account. Deck Pass is a free application designed by USA Swimming that allows members to track their times, earn digital patches (automatically or awarded by a coach or the LSC), check IMX scores, connect with teammates and friends as well as other feautures.
- Visit USA Swimming's Individual Times Search. Once on this page you can specify the name of the swimmer you wish to search and even narrow your search to specific events and dates if you choose.
Note that the age-group times displayed on both Deck Pass and on the individual search page will follow USA Swimming's National Age Group Motivational time standards, not Pacifc's time standards which are different.
Swim Connection, LLC is an alternate source for checking one's historical times. Swim Connection, LLC is a business independent of Pacifc and USA Swimming. Their times database is not used to verify qualifying times for meets in which time verification is required. For those who pay for their services, Swim Connection provides a variety of services to both clubs and individual swimmers including personalized meet results reports and historical times data from Pacific meets. In addition, they make limited (current swim year) historical times available to non-members.
Unlike the SWIMS database, Swim Connection allows swimmers to see how their times rank in accordance to Pacific's time standards.
To access current-year data for individual swimmers from the Swim Connection homepage, click on the "Club Pages Central" button, choose "Pacific," and then "Swimmers". You can search for an invidual swimmer by name. If you have any questions about Swim Connection's service, you should visit their webiste and contact them directly.