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Welcome to Athletes
Pacific Swimming Athlete Representatives
Step Up to the Block
Learn about who we are, how you can get involved, and the governing system of our sport!
Building our sport outside the water!
The purpose of athlete representatives in the sport of swimming is to further the education and inclusion of athletes in the governance of Pacific Swimming. This year we, the Pacific Swimming Athlete representatives, plan to:
1. Educate swimmers on the governing system of USA Swimming and Pacific Swimming
2. Increase participation of athlete representatives in Pacific Swimming
3. Ensure committee chairs will take athlete representatives seriously by appointing reliable athlete reps from each zone to work with the junior and senior reps.
Why Be an Athlete Rep?
It is important that we, as athletes, have active Athlete Representatives on all levels in order to ensure communication between athletes and board members takes place in all governing levels of USA Swimming.
Contact us with questions about being an Athlete Rep! Athlete Representative Handbook rev 01/2025
Club Representatives
This governing body looks after the athletes in their club and reports to the Zone they are in. Each club should have an Athlete Representative that reports to your Zone Athlete Representative. Ask your coach today who your club representative is, if you don't know. If you don't have one, ask your coach to start a process to pick one - Club Rep application
Maintaining Your Mental Health
In this latest video, the Pacific Swimming Athlete Representatives take a look at the pressures in swimming and beyond
Pressure in Swimming and Beyond - Video
Pacific Swimming Community -
Over the course of the pandemic and the past year, hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have risen 150% since 2019. The lives taken in Atlanta on March 16 brought to light the discrimination and violence the Asian communities have faced for generations. A “bad day” could never justify a crime. However, while hate crimes of this severity don’t happen often, members of the AAPI community constantly face microaggressions and other forms of discrimination.
As Pacific Swimming we stand with the AAPI community and are committed to amplifying all voices. Changes need to be made to address the systemic racism against the AAPI community in our country. We can be the generation to make these changes and hold those who came before us accountable. The Athlete’s Committee encourages all members of Pacific Swimming to go beyond social media and start in the pool. Let’s engage in uncomfortable conversations with teammates, coaches, and families. For next steps, please use the resources in the Linktree.
- The Pacific Swimming Athlete Committee
Resources link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LtdyyL2_PUtuQufjqeRFVzsAj7lKFFgXr43X5WksMG4/edit#gid=1098622979
Timeline: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEZW3nC7ds/7JjzPr99uVjSXpt-oLEfkQ/view#
Anxiety in Athletics During COVID-19 and Beyond
The Mental Health Taskforce of Pacific Swimming's Athlete Representatives has put together a presentation for both athletes and adults on Anxiety in Athletics. Please click for the links to watch and for other mental health resources.
Anxiety in Athletics During COVID-19 and Beyond - Video
Anxiety in Athletics During COVID-19 and Beyond - Slideshow
What is Anxiety?, Sources, and Other Mental Health Resources
The following letter is being shared with you on behalf of the USA Swimming Board of Directors Athlete Representatives.
The recent media coverage regarding USA Swimming, combined with the resignations of two of our senior staff, portrays a negative image of USA Swimming.
There is truth that in recent decades senior leadership, both within the volunteer governance and staff, made errors in judgment. This must be admitted. It is also true that USA Swimming has taken many positive institutional steps to better our sport and to protect athletes. Further action must reinforce the cultural and structural changes that are already underway.
First, we do not and will not tolerate sexual misconduct in the sport. We are disgusted with any person who would manipulate the duty of coaching and molding young people, as we are with any volunteer leader or staff member who enabled this to persist – either actively or passively. We stand with victims through our actions and we will stand up for them at the highest levels of USA Swimming by ensuring real and significant change. This includes holding accountable anyone involved with USA Swimming who either actively or passively allowed these tragedies to occur.
Where We’ve Been
In 2010, USA Swimming launched the Safe Sport program. This both acknowledged, and started to fix, the wrongs that took place in the past as well as those that may take place in the future. The evolution of that process involved the dedication and expertise of many athlete leaders – some of whom were themselves victims of sexual abuse.
We proudly emphasize one fact recent media coverage has omitted: while certainly not perfect, USA Swimming’s policies have become the model that other NGBs have strived for. Further, our procedures, including reporting, investigating, and adjudicating cases of misconduct have resulted in over 100 individuals being removed from the sport.
Where We Must Go
As the athlete leaders on the Board of Directors, we are calling on our Board colleagues and staff leadership to ensure that removing sexual misconduct from our ranks is not just a desire, but a primary mandate for the entire organization.
Just as we strongly advocated last year for the governance restructuring which will clarify and elevate the accountability of both the Board of Directors and staff, we are calling on all members and stakeholders to move forward together in this endeavor as a united family.
We are continually evaluating the effectiveness of our Safe Sport Program and seeking ways to strengthen it for even greater athlete protection. We are focused on ensuring that our organization will be even more vigilant. And, we are committed to having more transparent and open discussion, including asking ourselves the hard questions as to why any complacence was allowed to exist, and to ensure that will not recur.
To close, we want to hear from you, athletes, and we call on you during this time to reach out with your feedback and questions.
Mark Weber, Athletes' Vice-Chair
Van Donkersgoed, Deputy Athletes' Vice-Chair
Natalie Coughlin Hall, USOC AAC Representative
Anthony Ervin, USOC AAC Alternate Representative
Aaron Peirsol, FINA Athletes Commission
Davis Tarwater, Athlete Representative
Derek Paul, Athlete Representative
Chip Peterson, Athlete Representative
Important Links
Join Us!
Athlete/Club Rep. Application rev 04/2024
Athlete Representative Handbook rev 01/2025
Want to more about how boards function?
Interested in being a lead zone rep or a Jr or Sr rep?
This handbook is a great place to start!