Welcome to Zone 1 South

Information about Zone 1 South Board and Officials activities will be posted on this site.   

Not receiving Z1S Board documents and notices?  Be sure to send us your current email address and club affiliation.  All those interested in Z1S activities may request to be on our distribution list.  If you have something to add or correct, please let us know.

All requests can be sent to Kyle Kikuta at almaden.riptide@gmail.com


Zone 1 South ZAM Applications Now Available

Do you want to represent Zone 1 South at the upcoming Zone All-Star Meet to be held, May 17-18, 2025, in Sunnyvale, CA?

Coaches Applications due February 28, 2025.



The Zone 1 South meeting on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be a virtual meeting.





Building an Official Program


Important Links

High School Swimming 

  1. NFHS
  2. BVAL
  3. PCAL
  4. WCAL
  5. CCS 

College Swimming

  1. NCAA - rule book (free PDF) 

U.S. Masters Swimming

  1. USMS

Robert's Rules of Order