The "Pacific Swimming Policies & Procedures" shall apply to Zone 1 South except as documented below.  The intent is not to duplicate what Pacific Swimming has documented.  This is an informal document summarizing Zone 1 South procedural items from our "By Laws" and ongoing Board motions from our minutes.  Motions which are one-time actions are not included.  Sometimes the wording has been modified for clarification, but may reflect the Webmaster's interpretation.  For the actual wording, please see the minutes referenced by the "Adopted" date.



1.0 Meeting Locations
Board of Directors meetings normally are held at Gunderson High School, 622 Gaundabert Lane, San Jose, CA.  Meetings are typically in the hospitality room (teachers lounge, see map).  Monitor the Z1S Home page for the actual meeting location. 
2.0 Meeting Times

Regular Board of Directors meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of each odd numbered month (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov).  The meetings usually start at 7:30pm and typically run until 9:00pm.

The Officials Chair normally shall hold a scheduling meeting for deck officials and head referees in  June and September or October.

3.0 Calendar of Regular Board Meeting Activities
-  The Scheduling Chair assembles a scheduling committee
-  The Chair forms a committee for the Z1S Spring Classic meet

-  The Chair appoints the Vice Chair, a coach, and 3 team representatives to a nominating committee. (per Bylaws)
-  The scheduling committee presents the schedule to the Board and then sends out the bidding documents
-  Nomination of officers (per Bylaws)
-  Election of officers (per Bylaws)
-  The Treasurer presents a budget for the fiscal year (Sept - Aug)  for approval by the Board.
-  New officer terms begin on the 1st (per Bylaws)
-  Nominate Zone Championship Committee



4.0 Zone Logo

The logo used by Zone 1 South is as follows.  Other variations may also be used on things like Officials shirts and caps.

Adopted unknown date



1.0 Financial Accounts

The Treasurer has primary access to the zone's bank accounts.  The Chair shall also have access to the accounts to back up the Treasurer and to sign checks as required.  Since the Zone accounts are subaccounts of the Pacific Swimming master account, the Pacific Swimming Treasurer also has access to the Zone 1 South bank accounts.

Adopted unknown date

2.0 Investments

The Treasurer is authorized to invest all funds in CD or Money Market accounts provided that there is immediate access to at least 50% at all times.

Adopted 3/12/2008
The Treasurer was authorized to invest $30,000 through the Pacific Swimming investment advisor. A statement of purpose for those funds follows:

Pacific Swimming Zone 1 South Statement of Purpose

Investment Funds

The Pacific Swimming Zone 1 South Board of Directors and its Treasurer are chartered to conduct its financial matters in a prudent manner.  Over the years, Zone 1 South has accumulated a surplus of  funds in excess of its expenses.  Zone 1 South plans to invest money not needed for daily operations.  These funds are to be invested in appropriate investment vehicles under management of a professional advisor retained by Pacific Swimming following their Investment Guideline with a short and long term risk portfolio appropriate for the organization.

The Investment Advisor reports quarterly to the Pacific Swimming Investment Committee on the performance of the portfolio and the adherence to the designated asset allocation.  In turn, Pacific Swimming will report to Zone 1 South on the performance of its portfolio.

The purpose of the funds shall be the preservation of the current principle value but may be used for the following purposes:

  1. Act as a reserve to the Zone 1 South annual operating budget.
  2. Act as a potential source of funds for major projects approved by the Zone 1 South Board of Directors as deemed valuable and integral for the betterment of its swimming organization. 

It is not the purpose of the funds to provide normal, ordinary funding of operating expenses nor to supplement normal, ordinary sources of income.

Zone 1 South's investments within the portfolio are restricted for use by Zone 1 South only.

Adopted 11/12/2014

3.0  Trailer Storage
Zone 1 South may pay a reasonable fee to store our timing equipment.

Adopted 7/9/2008
Amended 11/14/2012

4.0  All Star Compensation

Zone 1 South shall compensate coaches at $50 per day, including travel days, for the Zone All-Star Developmental Meet.  To help meet budget goals, the Treasurer shall adjust this amount yearly by up to 75 percent (paying between $12.50 and $87.50) with Board approval.  

Adopted 3/14/2007
Amended 7/8/2009

Zone 1 South shall compensate its swimmers at the Pacific Coast All Star Meet, the Western Zone Championships, and the North American Challenge Cup with 50 percent of their co-payment.  To help meet budget goals, the Treasurer shall adjust this amount yearly by up to 50 percent (paying between 25 percent and 75 percent) with Board approval.  

Adopted Unknown
Amended 7/8/2009

5.0  Registration Fees
Zone 1 South shall reimburse the USA Swimming registration fee for its Officials Chair(s).
Adopted 1/11/2017

Zone 1 South shall reimburse the USA Swimming registration fee for certain personnel required to be listed in the Zone 1 Championship meet sheet as listed below if and only if that Zone 1 Championship meet is held in the month of January:

  1. Meet Director
  2. Head Referee
  3. Head Starter
  4. Administrative Official/Referee
Adopted unknown date
Amended 1/11/2017

6.0  Financial Controls

Dual signatures are required on checks in the amount of $5000 or more.

Per USA Swimming and Pacific Swimming

Adopted 11/12/2008
Amended 12/14/2012
7.0  Membership Dues

Membership dues from Zone 1 South clubs have been set at $0 until such time that the Board may want to charge a fee again.

Adopted unknown date

8.0  Fee Waivers

Proposed waivers of fees for specific swim meets must be presented at a Zone 1 South Board meeting.

Adopted 5/13/2009

9.0  Swim Meet Expenses

Zone 1 South Clubs may reserve timing equipment and equipment operators at the following rates:
    One trailer with all equipment          $0 per day
  Equipment setup & tear down             $100 per day 1 trailer, single ended meet
                                                                                    $150 per day 1 trailer, double ended without
                                                        25yd event; and club provides
                                                        easy-up, table, chairs for second 

  Colorado operator for single session    $200 per day
  Colorado operator for split session     $300 per day

Adopted Unknown
Amended 7/13/2010
Amended 11/14/2012
Amended 11/11/2015

10.0  Champs Expenses

The Zone 1 South Treasurer is authorized to budget up to $600 for "Thank You" gifts to one or more of our Champs meet directors.

Adopted 3/13/2013

11.0  Zone All Stars Expenses

A gift of $200 may be given to the Zone 1 South All Stars Team Manager each year.  

Adopted 1/10/2018

12.0  Board Expenses

Elected officers (chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer) may be reimbursed for mileage to attend Zone 1 South Board meetings or to attend Pacific Swimming meetings for which they are assigned an active responsibility such as the the chair representing Zone 1 South or sitting on a committee or an "at large" member.  The rate shall be the standard mileage rate for businesses posted by the IRS at the time of the meeting (e.g. 53.5 cents per mile in 2017).

Adopted 7/9/2014



In setting up and managing our swim meets, we should keep the following in mind:

  1. We should do what is right for the swimmers.
  2. The host club should not have to lose money.

Adopted 1/11/2012 

1.0 Zone 1 South Swim Meets

Zone 1 South schedules swim meets throughout the year, usually with priority given to swimmers of its clubs over swimmers outside our zone.  These meets are scheduled and host clubs selected through a bidding process described later. 

Zone 1 South also holds one or more Zone Championship meets each year for its clubs.  Clubs within Zone 1 South may not host another sanctioned meet on the same days as a Zone 1 South Championship meet. 

Adopted 3/13/2013

2.0  Summer Leagues and Dual Swim Meets

Some of the Zone 1 South clubs currently participate in one of 3 Leagues: Coast Valley Aquatic League (CVAL), Silicon Valley Swim League (SVSL), and South Bay Swim League (SBSL).  The Leagues were created by clubs getting together based on various criteria such as location, size, and similar interests; and they may include clubs from outside Zone 1 South.  The Leagues are separate from Zone 1 South, are registered organizations with Pacific Swimming, and are managed by the coaches of participating clubs.  Other clubs may contact one of the leagues to see if they can join, though each League typically tries to limit its size.  Clubs may also consider forming a new League and registering it with Pacific Swimming.

The Leagues usually operate during the summer months and have varying objectives.  Some may wish to offer young, novice swimmers a chance to get introduced to USA Swimming competition while swimming with experienced athletes in smaller, cordial meets which encourage further participation.  Others just may want to offer more short course meets.  Still others may have completely different objectives. 

The leagues typically host small "dual" meets starting in the spring and culminate with a Championship meet toward the end of summer.  These "dual" meets may include 3 or 4 teams, or even 1 team.  Schedules are set by the coaches in each League.  These dual meets may be held informally.  However, the host often applies for a formal sanction so that the swim times can be recorded.  This requires certain swim officials at the meet to verify that USA Swimming rules are followed. 

Adopted 3/13/2013

3.0  Duties of the Sanctions Chair

The Zone 1 South Sanctions Chair shall:

  1. Represent Zone 1 South to Pacific Swimming on the sanctioning of swim meets.
  2. Assist swim clubs to understand the process for getting their swim meets sanctioned by USA/Pacific Swimming.
  3. Review the clubs' meet sheets for meets awarded by Zone 1 South to make sure they are in compliance with Pacific Swimming and Zone 1 South requirements.
  4. Grant approval from Zone 1 South after the meet sheets are found to be in compliance.

Adopted 3/14/2012

4.0  Duties of the Scheduling Chair

 The Zone 1 South Scheduling Chair shall:

  1. Represent Zone 1 South on the Pacific Swimming Scheduling Committee.
  2. Assemble a scheduling committee to define and schedule Zone 1 South meets in compliance with the  requirements in section 5.0 below.  The scheduling committee shall consist of no more than 5 members and shall be comprised of the Scheduling Chair, one or more athlete representatives, and one or more coaches.  Remaining members should be considered from Chairs or alternates of the Officials, Age Group, and Sanctions areas, as well as, other strongly interested people.
  3. Obtain Board approval of the swim meet schedule.
  4. Oversee the swim meet bidding process.
  5. Interface with host clubs on any clarifications or changes to their meets.

Adopted 1/11/2012

5.0  Requirements for the Scheduling Committee

The scheduling committee is responsible for developing each year's meet schedule for Zone 1 South.

  1. The meet schedule must not violate any restrictions imposed by Pacific Swimming and shall cover an entire calendar year.
  2. Any restrictions imposed by the scheduling committee on meets must be documented with the proposed schedule.  For example:
    • Whether a dual venue meet must have the same events at each location.
    • Whether a dual venue meet is divided by area with a host in each area and clubs assigned to each meet.
    • Whether a meet must have only a certain set of events.
  3. Without specific restrictions having been specified, a host club may add additional events to their meet as long as the original meet requirements are met.
  4. Up to one meet per hosting club may be scheduled for which there will be no bidding.  These should be unique, fun meets such as the Gerald Macedo Relays.
  5. The Sanctions Chair and the assigned Head Meet Referees shall check the meet sheets for compliance with any restrictions imposed by the scheduling committee.
  6. The scheduling committee shall obtain approval of the Board for the proposed schedule, making changes as determined by the Board.      

Adopted 1/11/2012

6.0  Swim Meet Scheduling and Bidding Process

  1. In January, the Z1S Scheduling Chair assembles a scheduling committee.
  2. Before the end of January, Pacific Swimming should have approved their LSC meet schedule and awarded the first round of bids. This is required so that the Z1S scheduling committee knows which dates are available.
  3. At the March Board meeting, the Scheduling committee presents the Z1S meet schedule to the Board for approval with or without changes.
  4. This schedule must comply with the Pacific "protected dates". Pacific LSC meets awarded in round 1 are protected; that is, Zones may not schedule meets on those days which are of equal or higher classification. However, Far Western Championship meets, JO meets, 10-Under Champs, and Senior meets are not protected. In addition, dates for the House of Delegates meetings and the Pacific Officials Clinic are protected.
  5. Before the May Board meeting, the Scheduling committee solicits round 1 and then round 2 bids for the meets and assigns meets per the following procedure:

a.  The scheduled meets are distributed to all Z1S clubs and round 1 bids requested. The clubs are to list the meets they want to host in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. choice order along with the maximum number of meets they are willing to host.

b. The scheduling committee assigns round 1 meets as follows:
i. Any first choice meets bid by only one club are assigned to those clubs.
ii. Any first choice meets bid by more than one club are assigned by lottery.  Bids that were receive late are not eligible for the lottery, but any of their other bids may be assigned to meets without bids.
iii. Steps i. and ii. are then repeated for the clubs that did not get their first choice meet, but for their second choice. This continues for 3rd choice, etc. until no more clubs or meets are left.
iv. Steps i. through iii. are now repeated for any second choice meets that have not been assigned. Likewise for third, fourth choice, etc. meets.
v. The maximum number of meets a club is willing to host shall not be exceeded.
c. The scheduling committee is ultimately responsible for the schedule and may deviate from the above steps as required, such as to encourage a new hosting club to participate.
d. The scheduling committee notifies all the clubs of round 1 bid results and requests round 2 bids be submitted for the remaining meets.
e. Round 2 bids are assigned by the same procedure as in steps "b and c" above.
f. Any remaining meets are now available on a first come basis and clubs will be asked to submit bids. The clubs may propose a different meet than is listed, and it is at this time that unique meets may be proposed. If the new host wishes to change the meet date or submit a new one, then approval is required from clubs hosting meets sooner than 2 weekends before and after the requested meet.
Adopted 1/11/2012
Revised 7/11/2012
Revised 5/13/2015
Revised 7/8/2015
7.0  Returned Meets
The host club shall inform the Scheduling Chair as soon as they decide they cannot host a meet that they
were awarded. The Scheduling Chair will offer that meet first to the club(s) that originally bid for it. If
nobody picks up the meet, then the Scheduling Chair shall notify the Board that the meet is available on a
first come basis with final decision by the Scheduling Chair and elected officers. If the new host wishes to
change the meet or date, then approval is required from the clubs hosting meets sooner than 2 weekends
before and after the requested meet.
Adopted 1/11/2012
Revised 5/13/2015

8.0  Change Process

Any changes not covered by the above process, or any other situations that need to be resolved, shall be brought to the Board for approval.  If it must be handled before the next Board meeting, the Scheduling Chair and elected officers shall handle it by majority vote.  The results of such voting shall be documented by the Chair in the minutes of the next regularly scheduled Zone 1 South Board meeting.

Adopted 1/11/2012

9.0 Champs Point Scoring

Zone 1 South Champs is a competition between Clubs.  Clubs are divided into three categories – small, medium, and large determined by the number of swimmers that enter the meet:  Small: under 80 entries; Medium: 80 – 169 entries; Large: 170 or greater entries.  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards are given in each category based on the number of points earned by each club's swimmers and relay teams. 

In each event points are awarded to swimmers based on three groupings: A time or faster, B time or faster but less than A time, slower than B time plus NT (No Time).  For each grouping the points are 1st place 9, 2nd place 7, 3rd place 6, 4th place 5, 5th place 4, 6th place 3, 7th place 2, & 8th place 1.

Relay points are twice the individual points.

Adopted 9/13/2017


1.0 Stroke & Turn Officials

The Officials part of the Pacific web site describes what must be done to become a certified stroke and turn official.  Evaluations must be completed by experienced Zone 1 South officials and may be done at Zone 1 South level meets or at League dual meets. 

Per Acting Officials Chair 4/26/2015

2.0  Starter and Referee Officials

The requirements to become a certified starter or referee are listed in the Officials section of the Pacific Swimming web site.  Evaluations for these positions must be done by experienced Zone 1 South officials at Zone 1 South level meets or League Championship meets.  The starter or referee candidate may gain experience at League dual meets, but this does not count towards certification.

Per Acting Officials Chair 4/26/2015 and 7/8/2015

3.0 Head Starter

The Head Starter listed on Zone 1 South and Zone 1 South League meet sheets may be any certified Starter.

Adopted 7/8/2015

4.0 Administrative Official (AO)

Teams who host Zone 1 South meets must provide a certified Administrative Official (AO) to have their meet sanctioned.  The Zone 1 South Official’s Chair will no longer assign an AO..

For Zone 1 South Championship meets and meets that require an Administrative Referee (AR), such as Trial/Finals meets, the Z1S Official’s Chair is responsible for assigning the AO/AR.

Adopted 9/13/2017

5.0 Officials List

The Zone 1 South Officials Chair shall keep a current list of all Zone 1 South officials which is readily available to all Zone 1 South teams and Board members.  This list will include the officials positions they may work and are being trained to work, levels of certification including trainee, and optionally their email contact.  

Adopted 7/8/2015