
Officials at Z1S Brian Malick Championships (click to enlarge)

Welcome Officials!

Your Zone 1 South officials co-chairs are Jeanette Soe and Mette Graversen . 
If you are not on the Zone 1 South officials mailing list, please contact Jeanette.


Meet Referees

Swim Meet Spectator Code of Conduct for Zone 1S Meets


Corner Officials Assignments

The 2024-25 Officials Assignments


Official Programs for USA-S Clubs

Program Document


How To Become An Official

Please go to this link to find out more about becoming an official! 



Official's Clinic

The Pacific Officials Clinic is usually held in early October.  Monitor the Pacific Officials website section for the latest information.  Zone 1 South holds clinics once or twice a year and has mini clinics during some meets.  Word will be sent out through club coaches and our officials distribution list.  

Virtual Clinic Presentation

Background-Check Reimbursement

Officials will be reimbursed for the cost of their background checks, $36.50 for new officials and $18 every 2 years for renewals.  New officials must be certified  L1 or above (not trainees) before being reimbursed.  To get your background check, go to the USA-S site and select the appropriate option.  

To get your reimbursement, see "DOCUMENTS" on the left column for a check request form.  Along with the form, Include your receipt, but do not include the results attachment as it contains personal information. 


Officials' Documents


Other Documents