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The "Pacific Swimming Bylaws" state that "Each Zone may establish its own bylaws governing administration of the responsibilities delegated to it by Pacific Swimming." These bylaws have been adopted and amended by the Zone 1 South Board. A PDF version of the document can be found here.
As a geographical division of Pacific Swimming, the objectives of Zone One South shall be to carry out the goals, purposes, and ideals of USA Swimming, and to supervise and regulate swimming competition, athletes, and officials in the area designated as the California county of Santa Clara south of Highway 9 and east of Mathilda Ave. / Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road / DeAnza Blvd. / Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, and the counties of San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Monterey in the interest and assistance of Pacific Swimming.
This organization shall be known as Zone One South and herein as the Zone.
The Zone shall operate as a non-profit organization under the auspices of Pacific Swimming and USA Swimming.
The Zone shall provide a forum of Zone policies, dissemination of information of general swimming interest to swim teams in the Zone area, conveyance by the Zone’s representatives to Pacific Swimming of the attitudes and preferences regarding issues affecting the Zone, and awarding of meets under the jurisdiction of the Zone according to the policies set forth in Article V of these By-laws.
Membership shall be open to competitive swim teams within the boundaries of Zone One South and said teams shall themselves be registered and in good standing with Pacific Swimming and shall see to it that all fees due to Pacific Swimming are paid in a timely fashion.
Member teams shall provide in writing to the Zone Secretary the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of their authorized representative and alternate representative to Zone meetings plus the name of their President and Coach.
Membership dues shall be due and payable to the Zone Treasurer on September 1 of each year. Dues shall be prorated for new clubs to the next annual due date. Payment of dues shall be required before meets for the ensuing year are awarded.
Any person interested in competitive swimming in Zone One South may attend Zone meetings, may be appointed to and may chair special committees, may hold office if elected, and may volunteer his/her expertise when needed. Elected and appointed officers shall be members of Pacific Swimming and USA Swimming in good standing.
Management of the Zone shall be vested in the Board of Directors made up of the elected and appointed officers, the authorized team representatives, the committee chairs, the athlete representatives, and up to 5 at-large members of Pacific Swimming and USA Swimming in good standing residing within the Zone appointed by the Chair.
The term of office for elected and appointed officers and at-large members shall be two years. The Chair and Vice-chair may serve no more than two terms in succession.
A. Duties of Elected Officers
1. Chair
a. Shall preside at all regularly scheduled and special meetings.
b. Shall serve as the Zone’s member on the Pacific Swimming Board of Directors.
c. Shall serve as the Zone’s representative to Pacific Swimming committees or shall appoint an alternate to represent the Zone to relate to the committee the concerns of the Zone and to relay all pertinent information from the committee to the Zone team representatives.
d. Shall appoint special committees as necessary.
2. Vice-chair
a. Shall preside at Zone meetings in the absence of the Chair.
b. Shall handle all-Zone matters delegated by the Chair.
c. Shall serve as the alternate representative of the Zone to all Pacific Swimming functions at which attendance is required.
3. Secretary
a. Shall record and maintain a file of minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Zone.
b. Shall be responsible for all Zone publications.
c. Shall take attendance at all Zone meetings and maintain an accurate list of team representatives and have it available at all Zone meetings.
d. Shall send a copy of the minutes of each Zone meeting to the General Chair and the Secretary of Pacific Swimming.
4. Treasurer
a. Shall collect all dues and monies due to the Zone.
b. Shall maintain accurate financial records for the Zone.
c. Shall present all financial records for audit by a committee appointed by the Chair for that purpose.
d. Shall prepare a financial report bi-monthly and present it to the Zone 1 South bi-monthly meeting. Shall send a copy ofthe report to the Treasurer of Pacific Swimming.
e. Shall prepare and forward on a timely basis all other financial reports required by Pacific Swimming including the final year-end financial report for use in preparation of the Pacific Swimming tax returns.
B. Election of Officers
1. Nominations shall be held in May and elections in July of each year.
2. Term of office shall commence on the first day of September.
3. A nominating committee consisting of the Vice-chair, a coach, and representatives from three teams shall be appointed by the Chair at the March meeting.
4. A nominee shall be elected by receiving a majority of the votes cast by the Board of Directors present at the July meeting.
C. Vacancies
Any vacancies, other than the Chair, that occur before the end of a term shall be filled by appointment from the Zone Chair subject to ratification by the Board. Should the office of the Chair be vacated, the Vice Chair shall become Chair for the balance of the term and appoint a new Vice Chair, subject to ratification by the Board. A portion of any term served to fill a vacancy shall not be considered when determining term limits.
D. Escalations
The appropriate committee chair should attempt to resolve any issues or problems that arise. The elected officiers are authorized to make final decisions on any items that must be resolved before the next Board meeting. When time allows, the Board is responsible for final decisions. Any disagreements may be brought to the Pacific Swimming Administrative Review Board.
A. Regular meetings of the Zone shall be held on the second Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November.
B. Special meetings may be called as necessary by the Chairman or by the request of at least five Zone member teams.
C. Attendance of team representatives shall be taken at each meeting and reported in the minutes of that meeting.
D. Meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.
The Zone Chair shall appoint a Scheduling Chair who shall represent the Zone on the Pacific Swimming Scheduling Committee and who shall form and oversee a committee to develop the schedule for Zone awarded meets.
A. The Zone shall abide by all published Rules and Regulations of both USA Swimming and Pacific Swimming.
B. The Zone may adopt By-law amendments upon a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors present at a regular or special meeting provided that the proposed amendments do not conflict with the Rules and Regulations of USA Swimming and Pacific Swimming.
1. A majority of the member teams in good standing must be represented at a meeting to act upon By-law amendments.
2. The By-law amendments must have been presented at the regularly scheduled meeting and published in the minutes of that meeting before the meeting at which the vote is taken.
3. The By-law amendments shall become effective upon their publication and distribution in the minutes of the meeting at which they are adopted.
C. All complaints and grievances from Zone One South member clubs / teams that cannot be resolved at the Zone level shall be referred to the Pacific Swimming Administrative Review Board.
These By-laws adopted at a regularly scheduled meeting of Zone One South during 1986.
Amended November 10, 1999
Amended March 14, 2001
Scanned and entered on Web November 6, 2008
Amended July 13,
Amended September 11, 2013
Amended November 11, 2015 to reflect Board of Review name change to Administrative Review Board